This time of year, we get questions on study rooms and old exams. A couple of things to keep in mind:
Old exams - We have a small collection of old exams given by our professors. The most recent exams are located in the course reserves filing cabinet. The older exams (pre-1999) are located in bound books at the bottom of the audio reserves shelves.
Study rooms - During exams, peak usage rules apply. Use of the seven smaller rooms requires a minimum of two users, while the two large conference rooms require at least four. These rooms must be reserved in advance, and we do take reservations over the phone.
After hours study halls - Although they are not run by the library, we get questions about this. Rooms 120 & 121 are available until 2:00 am. Students must be in the building before 11:00 pm (when the building closes), and must have a current GMUSL ID card with them.