Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome New Circulation Assistants

We have a few new faces at the circulation desk.  Welcome to the law library!

Kasey Clemans, 1L-Brigham Young Univ: BA International Relations/Russian

Richard Peterson, 1L-Brigham Young Univ: BA Humanities-French Literature

Rachel Talbot
, 2L-George Washington Univ: BA Business Administration

Monday, January 26, 2009

Winter Weather

Just a reminder about the law school's policy on inclement weather.

Important note: The law school and the rest of the university do not always respond to a weather event in the same way. As a result, you should rely on communication from the law school to learn the operating status of the law school and the law library. Do not rely on public announcements made by the media or by the university because those announcements might not apply to the law school.

The law school's official policy on inclement weather appears below. If you are scheduled to work and the library is open, you are expected to arrive on time. Please call me, Maya, or Mike to let us know whether you will be able to make it here for your shift. Please be sure you have our home and cell phone numbers with you.

In the event of inclement weather, we will communicate information about the operating status of the law school and the law library in three ways:
E-mail notice via the law school listservs
Notice on the law school web site
Recording on the law school main telephone number (703-993-8000).

For a weather event that develops overnight, we will try to make a decision and have it communicated before 7:30 a.m. the next morning.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Scholarly Writing Papers

There is a collection box behind the circulation desk for these with my name on it. Students will drop off their papers here. Please do not put the box on the counter, but instead keep it behind the desk. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Inauguration Day - Updated

The Provost has decided to close the Arlington campus on Inauguration Day. A make-up day has been scheduled for April 23, when we will observe a Tuesday class schedule.